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Displaying 81 - 100 of 249

California Bill Would Sharply Reduce Lead Leaching From Faucets

State legislation introduced today would set a legally enforceable limit on the amount of lead leaching from drinking water faucets and fixtures, reducing by five times the amount now allowed by a...

CDC Investigates Potential Link Between ‘Forever Chemicals’ and Decreased Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines

A federal health agency is investigating whether exposure to the fluorinated "forever chemicals" called PFAS could affect the potential effectiveness and duration of a Covid-19 vaccine.

EWG VERIFIED® Diapers Launches Nationwide With New Healthynest Diapers

Today the Environmental Working Group published a new comprehensive Guide to Safer Diapers, an analysis of the chemicals and materials used in baby diapers, to help parents and caregivers sort through...

New Rule Makes It Harder for EPA To Fight Air Pollution and Climate Change

With just over 40 days left in office, on Wednesday the Trump administration finalized a rule making it harder for the Environmental Protection Agency to enact clean air standards that protect public...

Biden-Harris Victory Brings Historic Opportunity for Public Health, Racial Justice, Climate Change and Clean Energy

The election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is not only a repudiation of President Trump, it is also a historic opportunity for the nation to advance the health, safety and equity of all Americans.

Defying a Federal Court Order, Trump’s EPA Approves Continued Use of Toxic Weedkiller Dicamba

In defiance of a federal court order, on Tuesday the Environmental Protection Agency extended the use of a weedkiller linked to cancer, pitting farmers who use it on genetically engineered crops...

California Requires Millions of Children To Be Tested for Lead Exposure

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a measure to protect millions of children from the developmental and health impacts of toxic lead exposure.

EWG Statement on House Bill To Increase Anti-Hunger Assistance

The following is a statement from Scott Faber, senior vice president of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, on House passage of H.R. 8319.

At Wildfire Briefing, Trump Scoffs at Climate Crisis: “I Don’t Think Science Knows”

A failure in forest management – not climate change – is fueling the catastrophic wildfire inferno on the West Coast, President Trump said today.

Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Likely Discharged Near Schools in 18 States

As parents send their kids back to school, reopening buildings safely is top of mind. Parents are worried about the coronavirus pandemic but likely unaware that some schools are near industrial...

Bill Requires California To Test Millions of Children for Lead Exposure

The California state legislature sent Gov. Gavin Newsom a bill that would protect millions of children from the developmental and health impacts of toxic lead exposure. Assembly Bill 2276 addresses...

EPA Cancels Study To Incinerate PFAS Waste Near N.J. Fenceline Community

The Environmental Protection Agency canceled a study to look into the incineration of the fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS. The study would have burned toxic PFAS and measured the amount released...

High Levels of Bayer’s Weedkiller Found in Hummus, Chickpeas

Independent laboratory tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group found glyphosate, the notorious weedkiller linked to cancer, in more than 80 percent of non-organic hummus and chickpeas...

Citing PFAS, Key Senators Oppose Trump’s Consumer Safety Nominee

Pointing to her efforts to limit regulation of PFAS in consumer products, Sens. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) today announced they would oppose President Trump's nominee to...

California Assembly Approves Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act in Historic Bipartisan Vote

Today, the California Assembly passed the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act, A.B. 2762. If enacted, the law would be the first in the nation to ban 12 toxic ingredients, including mercury and formaldehyde...

Three-Fourths of Sunscreen Products Offer Inferior Protection or Contain Worrisome Ingredients

As states reopen and Americans leave their homes to venture outside, it's important for them to remember to protect their skin from the sun's harmful rays. Today the Environmental Working Group...

In Major Win for Consumers, Johnson & Johnson Ends Sale of Talc-Based Baby Powders

EWG today welcomed the news that Johnson & Johnson will soon end the sale of talc-based baby powders in the U.S. and Canada, and called on other cosmetic companies to end the use of talc in other...

Alert: Tests Find Asbestos in Talc-Based Eye Shadow Kits

The notorious human carcinogen asbestos has been found in two talc-containing eye shadow palettes, according to laboratory tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group.

As Homes Become Classrooms, Calif. Gov. Newsom Moves To Protect Kids From Pesticide Drift

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has directed all counties to tighten restrictions on pesticide spraying near homes, to protect children from toxic chemicals drifting from crop fields while they are...

Citing Coronavirus, Trump EPA Halts Enforcement of Critical Key Environmental Laws

The Trump administration's unprecedented move to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to suspend enforcement of critical environmental laws is shameful and further evidence of the administration's utter...
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