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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1 - 20 of 147

7 reasons to add more plants to your diet

You probably know plant-based and plant-forward diets have considerable benefits. But you might not know the exact benefits.. Do they help your health? The environment?

Hundreds of chemicals in everyday consumer products may increase breast cancer risk

More than 900 chemicals found in cosmetics, drinking water, food and cleaning supplies used by millions of Americans every day may cause biological changes linked to risk of developing breast cancer...

Soothe dry skin this winter with safer balms and salves

One of the effects of colder temperatures is that everything dries out, including our skin. Balms and salves to the rescue.

7 ways to detox your home (and keep it clean) year ‘round

If you’ve ever thought about making changes in your household routine to lower your exposure to toxic chemicals, you may be put off by how daunting it seems.

Reforming federal cosmetics law: What is the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act?

Almost a year ago, President Joe Biden signed the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022, or MoCRA, into law, marking the first significant update to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic...

Life-saving antibiotics in jeopardy from growing use in factory-farmed animals

The use of medically important antibiotics in farm animals grew by 12 percent between 2017 and 2022, further jeopardizing the effectiveness of these life-saving drugs.

1 EWG staffer, 4 New Year’s resolutions

I joined EWG in June 2022, after a series of unexpected events that I can (mostly) attribute to the global pandemic. Though I had always loved learning about ways to create a healthier life for myself...

Sweater weather worries: What to know before you layer up

As temperatures drop and holiday shopping kicks into high gear, it’s time to talk about the many chemicals that might lurk in the clothes filling your gift bags.

Surprise! Some of your favorite foods may contain artificial sweetener

You’ve probably heard some of the concerns being raised lately about artificial sweeteners. Maybe you’ve even sworn off diet products as a result.

What are quats?

To protect your health, it’s essential to know what’s in your cleaning products, especially if you have kids, who are more vulnerable to the effects of toxic chemicals.

Safer storage: Avoiding microplastic concerns while managing holiday leftovers

As the holidays approach, our kitchens are warming with festive feasts for friends and loved ones. The joy of preparing and indulging in holiday delicacies is often followed by the challenge of...

7 holiday cleaning tips for a healthy home

’Tis the season of joy and celebration – but with all the cooking and entertaining, our homes can quickly become a mess. Many of us may feel inspired to engage in a bit of seasonal cleaning –...

EWG’s 2023 gift guide

Choosing a gift for someone is challenging enough without the added worry of whether the item is full of potentially harmful chemicals.

Holiday shopping, handled: The best (and cleanest) pampering gifts for everyone on your shopping list

It can be tough during the holiday season to find small gifts that aren’t either filled with toxic chemicals, made entirely of sugar or packaged in tons of wasteful plastic – or some combination of...

EWG: Schools near pesticide spray zones could lose health protections

Thousands of schools are located near farms across the U.S. where pesticide may be sprayed, , an EWG analysis finds. But some members of Congress want to block state and local safeguards that protect...

Study: Consumption of ultra-processed foods may cause harmful ‘food addiction’

If you have trouble stopping with just one potato chip or slice of frozen pizza once you get started, you’re not alone. Fourteen percent of adults and 12 percent of kids show characteristics of “food...

Making meals without microplastics: Tips for safer cutting boards

Depending on the type of cutting board you use, your home-cooked meals could be contaminated with an unlikely ingredient – microplastics – according to a recent study . For the research, published in...

EWG petitions FDA to ban two toxic additives in popular Halloween candy

Halloween is here and consumers are buying up massive quantities of candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters – or to eat themselves.

No tricks, just treats: A nutritionist shares how new California food safety law will make Halloween healthier

When clinical nutritionist Stacy Roy takes her daughter Neela trick-or-treating this Halloween, she’ll be thinking about the ingredients in the candy handed out – but not just for that night.

What you can do about the environmental risk factors that can lead to breast cancer

Cancer affects all communities. And breast cancer can occur in people of all genders
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